

作者 | Siyuan Li a, Tianfu Xu a b, Zubin Chen c, Zhenjiao Jiang a b

标题 | Efficient fracture network characterization in enhanced geothermal reservoirs by the integration of microseismic and borehole logs data

来源 | Geothermics

编辑 | 地热小芯(添加微信号:geothermalAI,可获得相关资料)










Fig. 1 . Algorithm flowchart of characterizing the fracture network from microseismic events cloud.

Fig. 2 . (a) Injection rates during hydraulic fracturing simulation, (b) two stimulated fractures and microseismic events distribution on fracture planes, (c) and (d) microseismic events with white noises at the scale of 0.5% and 1.0% of burial depth, respectively.

Fig. 3 . Percentage of microseismic events fitted by fractures under varying number of fractures in responses to (a) 0.5% white noises and (b) 1.0% white noises in source locations of microseismic events; (c) and (d) best-fitted fracture networks generated from microseismic events with 0.5% and 1.0% white noises, respectively.

Fig. 4 . Percentage of microseismic events fitted by fractures under varying number of fractures in responses to the prior fracture orientation ranges estimated at (a) ±15° and (b) ±20°; (c) and (d) best-fitted fracture networks generated from microseismic events under varying prior fracture orientation ranges.

Fig. 5 . (a) Original microseismic events induced by hydraulic fracturing, (b) the microseismic events denoised by DBSCAN, (c) elbow analysis of relationship between the number of fractures and percentage of microseismic events fitted by fractures, and (d) the fracture network generated from microseismic events.

Fig. 6 . Fracture network characterization under the prior range of fracture strikes reduced by −6° (b), increased by 6° (d)and 12° (f), respectively, and number of fractures (a, c, e) identified stably by elbow method.




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